how to eduroam
Setting Up Your Bracket Bot on Raspberry Pi
- You have flashed the SD card using the Raspberry Pi Imager
- The Raspberry Pi is configured to connect to your phone's hotspot
- Your laptop is ready to connect via SSH
1. Connect Your Laptop to Your Phone Hotspot
Ensure your laptop is connected to the same phone hotspot that your Raspberry Pi will connect to.
2. Power on the Raspberry Pi
Once powered on, the Raspberry Pi should automatically connect to the phone hotspot (this may take a few minutes).
3. Follow Video Until Setup OS is finished
4. Switch Your Laptop to the Bracket Bot Network
After the setup script completes, disconnect from your phone's hotspot and connect to the newly created Bracket Bot Wi-Fi network.
5. SSH into Your Raspberry Pi Again
Reconnect using the same SSH command:
ssh <color>-bracketbot.local
6. Connect to Eduroam
Once reconnected, follow these steps to add and activate the Eduroam connection:
- Add Eduroam connection:
sudo nmcli connection add type wifi ifname wlan0 con-name eduroam ssid eduroam \
wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap \
802-1x.eap peap \
802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2 \
802-1x.identity "{username}" \
802-1x.anonymous-identity "[email protected]" \
802-1x.password "{password}" \ "/etc/ssl/certs/GlobalSign_Root_CA_-_R3.pem"
- Bring up the connection:
sudo nmcli connection up eduroam
After running these commands, your Raspberry Pi should be successfully connected to Eduroam and will bridge the internet connection through the RPI.
Updated about 1 month ago